Why should you Invest in StepUp.One?

  • Elevator Pitch - makes it clear in 10 seconds
  • Pitch Deck - dives into the details of our recipe for 10 mins
  • Our Credibility - Check the stripes we have earned on social 
  • Questions - If you've got this far, there will be a few
  • AI Persona - to answer all those questions in seconds
  • Book a Meeting - if everything is stacking up for you
  • 1. Elevator Pitch

  • 2. Pitch Deck

  • 3. Our Credibility

  • 4. Still Have Questions

  • 5. Book Meeting

Over 25 million refugees live in camps - that's $90 billion / year in pent-up productivity

StepUp.One is making them productive and work for global clients at $300 per month using our AI platform = $7.5 billion per month.

They will serve the demands of 75 million global executives using AI to

a. generate revenue

b. increase thought leadership

c. raise capital

Each will leverage the platform for both their clients and themselves to win more clients

Each will hunt 20 new clients and post two social media posts daily, resulting in 1000 refugees talking to 20,000 clients every day and showcasing their work through these interactions.

1100+ official employees & 6000+ followers on Linkedin

LinkedIn is our primary platform for creating a professional digital identity and the hunting ground for new clients. The size of our following, the quality of our posts, and the number of people training and working with StepUp.One is totally visible on the LinkedIn platform.

1. All of our current graduates on LinkedIn 

2. All of our posts on LinkedIn 

3. Our company page on LinkedIn


There are always a few niggling questions you want to ask after the pitch

After reviewing our pitch deck, ask our AI spokesperson any questions. She knows a lot of stuff that's not in the deck, so don't hesitate to ask anything.

Book a Meeting with our Founder & CEO - Mohamed Anis 

Click on the link below our pitch deck to book a meeting with our CEO.





A Worthy Investment for Social and Financial Impact

GIIN Analysis by Anirudh Suren 

StepUp.One is a social impact enterprise dedicated to reskilling refugees with digital skills and employing them. This white paper explores StepUp's potential as a compelling investment opportunity, addressing social and financial goals. We present our unique business model, ambitious vision, and impactful mission while analyzing potential risks through surveys and industry data. By investing in StepUp, you contribute to empowering refugees, bridging the digital skills gap, and achieving strong financial returns.
