
How to Make a LinkedIn Carousel Post

Written by Abdulla Salem | Feb 27, 2024 11:00:03 PM

How to Make a LinkedIn Carousel Post: Guide for 2024

Creating a LinkedIn carousel post in 2023 is a strategic way to stand out in a crowded feed, offering a dynamic, engaging way to share content with your professional network. Carousels allow you to present a series of slides, often used to delve deeper into a topic, showcase various points or products, or tell a story sequentially.

H2: Best Practices for LinkedIn Carousel Posts

When creating a LinkedIn carousel post, it's essential to focus on best practices to maximize engagement and effectiveness. First, ensure your carousel is visually appealing and consistent with your brand. Use high-quality images, consistent fonts, and a color scheme that resonates with your audience. Incorporating infographics and concise, impactful text can help convey your message more effectively.

Moreover, understanding the technical aspects, like the optimal size for images and how to structure your content slide-by-slide, is crucial. The first slide should be particularly attention-grabbing since it acts as a hook for the rest of the carousel. Engaging and relevant content throughout the slides encourages the viewer to swipe through all the pages.

Building Your Personal Brand with LinkedIn Carousel Format

LinkedIn carousel posts are not just tools for sharing information; they are powerful for personal branding. By consistently posting well-crafted carousels that offer valuable insights or showcase your achievements, you establish yourself as an authority in your field. This consistency helps in building a recognizable personal brand.

Personal branding through carousels can extend to sharing your career milestones, educational content, or insights from your industry, always aiming to add value to your network. The carousel format allows for more in-depth storytelling, which can resonate more deeply with your audience compared to standalone posts or brief updates.

Create a Carousel Post: Strategies and Benefits

Creating a carousel post on LinkedIn offers numerous benefits, from enhanced engagement to more profound storytelling. The strategy behind a successful carousel involves not just the content but also understanding when and how to share it for maximum impact.

How LinkedIn Carousel Posts Work: Engaging Your Audience

Carousel posts work by engaging users with a swipeable series of images or slides, each providing a snippet of information that builds on the last. This interactive element encourages users to engage more deeply with the content than they might with a static post. For the creator, it's an opportunity to break down complex information into digestible pieces or to build a narrative that unfolds with each swipe.

Incorporating elements like calls to action, questions, or prompts can increase interaction, encouraging users to comment, share, or even reach out directly. By leveraging the carousel format, you can transform a simple update into an interactive storytelling experience.

Explore Topics and Engage: Others Also Viewed Section

Exploring topics within your carousel posts can lead to greater visibility and engagement, particularly when integrated with LinkedIn's 'Others Also Viewed' feature. This tool can help increase the reach of your carousels by associating them with related content viewed by your target audience.

To leverage this, consider creating carousels around trending topics or common challenges within your industry. This not only positions you as a thought leader but also increases the chances of your content being discovered by those exploring similar subjects, thereby expanding your reach and engagement on the platform.

Use Document Sharing and Create LinkedIn Carousel Posts

Leveraging document sharing for LinkedIn carousel posts is a strategic way to provide more value and substance to your audience, allowing for the sharing of more detailed content like reports, guides, or case studies in an engaging format.

Enhancing Your Brand: Create a Carousel on LinkedIn

Creating a carousel to enhance your brand on LinkedIn involves more than just presenting information; it's about crafting a narrative that aligns with your brand values and resonates with your audience. By using carousels, you can share in-depth insights, showcase your products or services, and tell stories that reflect your brand's identity.

Incorporating branding elements like logos, color schemes, and consistent messaging helps reinforce brand recognition. Meanwhile, using document sharing within your carousels can provide tangible value to your audience, offering them resources that can be saved, shared, and referred back to, thereby deepening their engagement with your brand.

Use Document Sharing in Your LinkedIn Carousel Posts

Using document sharing in your LinkedIn carousel posts allows you to share detailed content, such as white papers, e-books, or presentations, directly within your carousel. This approach not only makes your content more interactive but also positions you as a resourceful professional or business, adept at utilizing new LinkedIn features to repurpose long-form content and create engaging slideshows. By considering the LinkedIn document format and integrating interactive elements like videos within your carousel slides, you establish a powerful way to bring the LinkedIn community together and share valuable insights.

When you create a PDF document for your carousel, you need to create each slide with thoughtful transition cues, ensuring a cohesive flow of information that aligns with your brand's cookie policy and respects the viewer's experience. Know how to create content that leverages animation to keep the viewer's attention, using the three dots icon at the top right of each slide to provide additional context or calls to action. This strategy is the perfect way to encourage people to click through your entire presentation, driving engagement directly from your newsfeed. Incorporate a checklist at the end of your carousel to summarize takeaways and prompt viewers to interact further, reinforcing your position as a strategist in your field and utilizing the square format to ensure your content is visually appealing and easy to engage with.

In conclusion, LinkedIn carousel posts represent a perfect way to bring your content to the forefront of the LinkedIn newsfeed, offering a versatile and impactful method to build your personal brand and engage with your audience. By adhering to best practices, embracing automation to update your choices based on analytics, and exploring ways to use carousels for brand awareness and engagement, you can create LinkedIn carousel ads that not only inform and entertain but also drive meaningful interaction and establish a prominent presence on the platform.


What is a LinkedIn Carousel Post?

A LinkedIn Carousel Post is an interactive "carousel" format on LinkedIn that lets you showcase multiple images or "slides" within a single LinkedIn post. Users can swipe through these slides, making it an engaging way to present information, tell a story, or highlight different aspects of a topic. It's a standout post type in the LinkedIn feed, offering a dynamic way to share content beyond standard LinkedIn posts.

How to make a LinkedIn Carousel Post?

To create a LinkedIn Carousel Post, you'll need to design individual slides, which can be images or PDF pages. Tools like Canva or PowerPoint are ideal for creating these visuals, ensuring they align with your brand's graphic design standards. Once your slides are ready, compile them into a single PDF document. On LinkedIn, you can upload this PDF using the document icon, creating a carousel that users can swipe through. This process is a step-by-step way to leverage LinkedIn's document sharing feature, enhancing your content's visibility and engagement.

Why should I use LinkedIn Carousel Posts?

Using LinkedIn Carousel Posts is a powerful way to engage your audience, offering a visually appealing and interactive experience. These posts are perfect for sharing "everything you need to know" about a topic, breaking down complex information into digestible slides, or showcasing a series of related ideas or products. They are known to drive engagement, encourage users to spend more time with your content, and, importantly, can increase brand awareness on both your personal and company page.

Can I use LinkedIn Carousel Posts for personal branding?

Absolutely. LinkedIn Carousel Posts are an effective tool for personal branding, allowing you to share your knowledge, insights, or professional achievements in a unique, engaging format. By consistently sharing valuable carousel posts, you can build your personal brand, establish yourself as a thought leader, and create a loyal following on LinkedIn.

What are the best practices for creating effective LinkedIn Carousel Posts?

Creating effective LinkedIn Carousel Posts involves several best practices:

  • Start with an eye-catching first slide to grab attention.
  • Ensure content clarity and coherence across all slides, making your message easy to read and understand.
  • Use high-quality images or infographics and maintain a consistent brand look.
  • Include actionable tips or takeaways, providing value to your audience.
  • Time to publish when your LinkedIn users are most active to maximize visibility.
  • Consider repurposing content like blog posts, videos, or conference content into carousel format to refresh and extend its reach.
  • Use the carousel format to share multiple perspectives or solutions, enhancing the conversational aspect of your posts.
  • Leverage carousels for document sharing, like white papers or e-books, which can serve as a lead magnet.
  • Utilize analytics to update your strategies and ensure your content resonates with your audience, helping you generate new opportunities for your business.

By incorporating these elements into your LinkedIn carousel posts, you can create compelling content that captivates your audience, encourages interaction, and enhances your presence on LinkedIn.